Please Take My Social Survey: “Does anyone read my content?” – February 2017

I’ve been curating some really inspiring and uplifting content lately and sharing it on Facebook, Twitter, and my various websites. With 797 ‘friends’ on Facebook, and thousands of ‘followers’ elsewhere, my content should reach thousands of people. Yet lately I’ve only been getting a few ‘likes’ per post, and often more likes than actual visits to an article.

I’m curious to know why. Is Facebook no longer an effective way to reach people? Is the content not interesting to people? Are people just overwhelmed with information overload or spending less time on social media? Are social media ‘friends’ and ‘followers’ superficial connections that don’t result in meaningful connections and responses?

I’m going to continue focusing on positive and uplifting content, and mostly share it on my website, but as I do, I’d like to know how best to share it.

I’m conducting this survey as a test to find out if Facebook continues to be a good way to reach people. I’ll share the results after a week of responses. Choose all responses that you feel are applicable. Thanks!

[polldaddy poll=9669983]

Early Survey Results

  • 20 Feb 2017 @ 6:18 PM. For a point of reference, this is when the survey was posted.
  • 21 Feb 2017 @ 8:07 AM. So far, out of 797 friends there has been one like on Facebook for the post that announced this survey. On another Facebook page where I put the post, there are 17,000 followers and about 1,200 saw the post. There are no likes so far, but one nice comment.

Request for LinkedIn Recommendations


I’m updating my LinkedIn profile and am looking for recommendations from colleagues and clients. If we’ve worked together, it would be great to have a recommendation from you.

Many of you have voluntarily endorsed me in various categories of expertise and experience. For that I’m very appreciative.

What I’m looking for now are written recommendations. I’ve provided some simple three-step instructions below.

Feel free to contact me if I can do the same favor for you. If you’d prefer, you can just email me a recommendation to be posted on my website (under Testimonials). Thanks for your help!





The Importance of Digital Storytelling Through Social Media

Digital storytelling through social media is increasingly becoming an essential component of outreach for organizations and businesses. It’s especially important in higher education.

  • Informing. It’s how we inform the public and those within our institution about the work we do.
  • Hiring. It’s how we get the attention and interest of potential staff and instructors seeking employment.
  • Recruiting. It’s how we reach prospective students.
  • Fundraising. It’s how we inspire alumni and others from the community to give.
  • Motivating. It’s how we inspire ourselves to be encouraged about the work we do.
  • Documenting. It’s how we journal our experiences to create a collective institutional memory and history. These stories can document the what and how of processes.
  • Educating. In addition to telling stories, we can share about the process. This becomes an educational, transparent, and open-source way of equipping others to tell their stories.

Below are some photos from recent work I’ve been doing in the area of digital storytelling, and sharing the behind the scenes experiences of how we’re documenting our work — what technology and process is used.

Michael O’Hara (center). Greg Johnson (behind camera at left). Developing an informational video for the Marcé Society.
Neema Loy shares about her @FulbrightPrgrm experience @UIOWA teaching ‪#‎Swahili‬ with the @DWLLC_UIOWA
Neema Loy shares about her @FulbrightPrgrm experience @UIOWA teaching ‪#‎Swahili‬ with the @DWLLC_UIOWA