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Iowa City Photos – 2 Nov 2018 – Canon 6D Mark II

Below are some photos taken in the Iowa City area during the week ending on 2 Nov 2018. Here I’m sharing the 1920×1080 size versions of the photos for people use as desktop wallpaper, presentation backgrounds, or enjoy in other ways. They also make for fun tablet or smartphone wallpaper. If you’d like to use any of these for commercial purposes, if you’d like the originals, or have any questions about this collection of photos, feel free to contact me. Thanks!


Equipment Used

I was using a Canon 6D Mark II camera. For the photos that seem to have more saturation, I had selected the Vivid or Intense options available in the CA camera setting. See page 102 of the instruction manual for further details about these features. I was using the 24-105mm USM lens that came with the camera. Although I didn’t have a tripod, the Canon Image Stabilization (second generation) seemed to work well enough.

Camera Settings

I was able to use the automatic mode for most of the photos. The camera’s choice of aperture, speed, ISO, and focal point were acceptable. Sometimes I’d switch to manual focus and at times used Aperture Priority when I wanted more control over the shot. Learn more about Aperture Priority on page 238 of the Canon 6D II instruction manual.

The Intense color setting can result in photos that seem too dark. However, using Intense that then later using software to increase the exposure will result in photos that are less washed out than if the photo had been taken without these color enhancement options. The Vivid setting is a less saturated option, but sometimes isn’t enough.

About Blurry and Abstract Images

In addition to traditionally composed photos where the subject and context are easily identified, I usually take some abstract photos as well. So, some of the photos in this collection were intentionally made blurry using manual focus to create an abstract image that could be used as a background. The in-focus version is also provided to show the subject used for the blurry photo. There are also some photos that are taken in such a way that the context is not provided, thus making the image difficult to identify. This is done intentionally.

Iowa City Area Photos

Here’s the gallery. Click any image for a larger gallery view. Enjoy!

Iowa City Photos – 27 Oct 2017 – Canon 6D Mark II

Below are some photos taken along bike trails on the west-side of Iowa City on 27 Oct 2018. Here I’m sharing the 1920×1080 size versions of the photos for people use as desktop wallpaper, presentation backgrounds, or enjoy in other ways. They also make for fun tablet or smartphone wallpaper. If you’d like to use any of these for commercial purposes, if you’d like the originals, or have any questions about this collection of photos, feel free to contact me. Thanks!


Equipment Used

I was using a Canon 6D Mark II camera. For the photos that seem to have more saturation, I had selected the Vivid or Intense options available in the CA camera setting. See page 102 of the instruction manual for further details about these features. I was using the 24-105mm USM lens that came with the camera. Although I didn’t have a tripod, the Canon Image Stabilization (second generation) seemed to work well enough.

Camera Settings

I was able to use the automatic mode for most of the photos. The camera’s choice of aperture, speed, ISO, and focal point were acceptable. Sometimes I’d switch to manual focus and at times used Aperture Priority when I wanted more control over the shot. Learn more about Aperture Priority on page 238 of the Canon 6D II instruction manual.

The Intense color setting can result in photos that seem too dark. However, using Intense that then later using software to increase the exposure will result in photos that are less washed out than if the photo had been taken without these color enhancement options. The Vivid setting is a less saturated option, but sometimes isn’t enough.

About Blurry and Abstract Images

In addition to traditionally composed photos where the subject and context are easily identified, I usually take some abstract photos as well. So, some of the photos in this collection were intentionally made blurry using manual focus to create an abstract image that could be used as a background. The in-focus version is also provided to show the subject used for the blurry photo. There are also some photos that are taken in such a way that the context is not provided, thus making the image difficult to identify. This is done intentionally.

Iowa City Area Photos

Here’s the gallery. Click any image for a larger gallery view. Enjoy!

Kent Park Photos

Below are some photos taken in the Kent Park area on 21 Oct 2018. These are 12 photos selected. Here I’m sharing the 1920×1080 size versions of the photos for people use as desktop wallpaper or enjoy in other ways. They also make for fun tablet or smartphone wallpaper. If you’d like to use any of these for commercial purposes, if you’d like the originals, or have any questions about this collection of photos, feel free to contact me. Thanks!


Camera and Settings Used

I was using a Canon 6D Mark II camera. For the photos that seem to have more saturation, I had selected the Vivid or Intense options available in the CA camera setting. See page 102 of the instruction manual for further details about these features. I was using the 24-105mm USM lens that came with the camera. Although I didn’t have a tripod, the Canon Image Stabilization (second generation) seemed to work well enough.

I was able to use the automatic mode for most of the photos. The camera’s choice of aperture, speed, ISO, and focal point were acceptable. Sometimes I’d switch to manual focus and at times used Aperture Priority when I wanted more control over the shot. Learn more about Aperture Priority on page 238 of the Canon 6D II instruction manual.

The Intense color setting can result in photos that seem too dark. However, using Intense that then later using software to increase the exposure will result in photos that are less washed out than if the photo had been taken without these color enhancement options. The Vivid setting is a less saturated option, but sometimes isn’t enough.

You’ll notice several similar photos showing a grove of trees. These photos were taken using slightly different framing of the shot, and also different exposure levels. It’s interesting to see how the mood of the photo changes depending on the settings.

Kent Park Area Photos

Here’s the gallery of Kent Park photos. Click any image for a larger gallery view. Enjoy!

Lake Tahoe Photos – Oct 2018 – iPhone X

Below are some photos taken in the Lake Tahoe area while visiting there in early October 2018. This group of photos were all taken with the 2017 model iPhone X. In another post I’ve shared some photos taken with a Canon 6D Mark II full-frame DSLR camera.

For some photos, the iPhone X produces a broader dynamic range than the 6D, so bright and dark aspects of an image are better rendered because smartphones have additional software to produce high dynamic range photos.

If you’d like to use any of these for commercial purposes, if you’d like the originals, or have any questions about this collection of photos, feel free to contact me. Thanks!


Locations Visited

During this trip, we mostly stayed in the South Lake Tahoe area. The higher altitude phots with a view of Fallen Leaf Lake and Lake Tahoe are from a hike up Mount Tallac which is an ascent of about 3,290 from the trailhead to reach the 9,739 ft peak. We only climbed about 1,400 feet and turned back so we could get some sunset photos near the lake. Because of the steep ascent I burned about 2,000 calories round-trip on that hike according to my Apple Watch.

The Echo Lakes Trail at about 7,000 feet was another nice hike. At these higher altitudes the air is very crisp, dry, and fresh which is invigorating and energizing. Heading south from Tahoe, we found some nice trails and views along Highways 88, 89, and 50.

Tahoe Area Photos

Here’s the gallery. Enjoy!


Lake Tahoe Photos – Oct 2018 – Canon 6D Mark II

Below are some photos taken in the Lake Tahoe area while visiting there in early October 2018. These are 218 photos selected from about 1,400 total. Here I’m sharing the 1920×1080 size versions of the photos for people use as desktop wallpaper or enjoy in other ways. They also make for fun tablet or smartphone wallpaper. If you’d like to use any of these for commercial purposes, if you’d like the originals, or have any questions about this collection of photos, feel free to contact me. Thanks!

For additional photos, see my iPhone X Tahoe Photos gallery from the same trip.


Locations Visited

During this trip, we mostly stayed in the South Lake Tahoe area. The higher altitude phots with a view of Fallen Leaf Lake and Lake Tahoe are from a hike up Mount Tallac which is an ascent of about 3,290 from the trailhead to reach the 9,739 ft peak. We only climbed about 1,400 feet and turned back so we could get some sunset photos near the lake. Because of the steep ascent I burned about 2,000 calories round-trip on that hike according to my Apple Watch.

The Echo Lakes Trail at about 7,000 feet was another nice hike. At these higher altitudes the air is very crisp, dry, and fresh which is invigorating and energizing. Heading south from Tahoe, we found some nice trails and views along Highways 88, 89, and 50.

Equipment Used

I was using a Canon 6D Mark II camera. For the photos that seem to have more saturation, I had selected the Vivid or Intense options available in the CA camera setting. See page 102 of the instruction manual for further details about these features. I was using the 24-105mm USM lens that came with the camera. Although I didn’t have a tripod, the Canon Image Stabilization (second generation) seemed to work well enough.

Camera Settings

I was able to use the automatic mode for most of the photos. The camera’s choice of aperture, speed, ISO, and focal point were acceptable. Sometimes I’d switch to manual focus and at times used Aperture Priority when I wanted more control over the shot. Learn more about Aperture Priority on page 238 of the Canon 6D II instruction manual.

The Intense color setting can result in photos that seem too dark. However, using Intense that then later using software to increase the exposure will result in photos that are less washed out than if the photo had been taken without these color enhancement options. The Vivid setting is a less saturated option, but sometimes isn’t enough.

About Blurry and Abstract Images

In addition to traditionally composed photos where the subject and context are easily identified, I usually take some abstract photos as well. So, some of the photos in this collection were intentionally made blurry using manual focus to create an abstract image that could be used as a background. The in-focus version is also provided to show the subject used for the blurry photo. There are also some photos that are taken in such a way that the context is not provided, thus making the image difficult to identify. This is done intentionally.

Tahoe Area Photos

Here’s the gallery. Enjoy!


Greg Johnson – Monthly Update 201810


Personal Update 201810 | 1 Oct 2018 | Monday


I hope you’re doing well. Thanks for taking a moment to read my October update.


Starting with this month I plan to begin sending out my updates at the beginning of the month rather than the end of the month. For the recap of September you can read the end-of-month update I sent out yesterday.


For most of my adult life I’ve been interested in civics, governance, and politics. If you do a Google search for “a government of the people” you’ll see of the 10 million results the top site is which I created about five years ago. The site has had about 30,000 visits since then. It’s designed to be a reference site for materials related to democracy — what helps democracies thrive and what causes them to fail.

The site also looks at other governance models for an honest comparison and reference point. Countries with communist foundations like China, or monarchies like Jordan, also seem to thrive and function fairly well. So, the question is how can we make our fairly young democracy function well and thrive to produce equally desirable outcomes.

According to Social Progress Imperative, we are currently in position #25, lagging behind Slovenia, among countries graded on their positive impact in the world. The Good Country Index also has us at position #25. By just about any measure, we’re unfortunately not leading the world. This suggests that our Democracy needs tweaking.

Some European and Scandinavian countries offer us examples of successful democracies, but every country has unique challenges and opportunities and we have ours.

This summer from May through July, I assisted with the publishing format and layout of a book called “Columns of Democracy” by Nicholas Johnson (my dad). Through a collection of recent writings, the book examines the core institutions that support our democracy: media, education, judiciary, voting, and libraries.

I’ll share an excerpt from the introduction to the book (page 15):

It is said that as Benjamin Franklin was leaving the Constitutional Convention he was approached by a man who asked, “Well, Mr. Franklin, what kind of a government did you give us? A Republic or a Monarchy?” To which Franklin replied, “A Republic – if you can keep it.”

For 230 years we did keep it. American democracy confronted challenges along the way, but none succeeded in abolishing democracy. From the time I first thought about such matters at the age of seven (December 7, 1941) the possibility we would not keep it never entered my mind.

Then my father was able to reassure me that America’s democracy would survive a traditional World War II. Today’s attacks on the columns of democracy are in many ways more invisible, invidious and destructive than those from Japanese fighter planes and bombs in 1941. Can we give our children and grandchildren a reassurance similar to what my father provided me 77 years ago – reassurance that American democracy will survive?

Not now.

What the future holds is up to us.

That’s an ominous warning, yet true. Keeping a garden, owning a car, or maintaining anything of value takes skill, commitment, and sometimes hare work. Democracy is no different.

However, like a car that has been neglected, and increasingly takes more time and money to operate, our democracy has recently been having more and more problems. It’s become more costly, stressful, and time consuming to manage. I find I’m spending several hours a week or more to keep up with current news. This last week I spent about 12 hours watching the Supreme Court nomination hearing and related news.

I’m embarrassed to converse with my friends from other countries. “Hey Greg, how’s that fancy sporty democracy doing?” they ask. My reply is often, “Oh, it’s back in the shop again for more repairs. It was getting really poor fuel efficiency and making a lot of noise.”

Our civic duty is more than just voting in elections. We need to stay engaged, be informed, and participate to help determine what initiatives and candidates will be on the ballot. Participation on election day is important, but it’s like participating in a football game in the final minutes of the game, rushing on the field and hoping we can impact the outcome of the game. That’s just not how democracy works. We need to be involved along the way.

Columns of Democracy” is a great field guide for those who want to have an informed and effective positive impact. If you’re someone who is civically involved, or want to be inspired to become so, I’d suggest getting a copy of the book. It’s available on Amazon, and locally in Iowa City at Prairie Lights.


Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.



Want More News? For additional news and updates you can subscribe to the Resources For Life Newsletter by sending an email to

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 18 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and activism. This is based on the life map presented on the Resources For Life website.

Greg Johnson – Monthly Update 201809


Personal Update 201809 | 30 Sep 2018 | Sunday


I hope you’re doing well. Thanks for taking a moment to read my September update.

Health and Wellness

During the month of September I continued my normal strength training workout, lifting over 234,000 pounds which is up from last month. Toward the end of the month I’ve been emphasizing fresh raw vegetables, nuts, grains, fruits, and salads in my diet while working to reduce some of the unnecessary sugar, carbs and snack foods.


My consulting work continues to be a mix of tech support and web design. The tech support is a good mix of business and residential, Windows and Mac, mobile and desktop, Android devices as well as Apple iOS. I like the diversity of support issues that arise. With the convergence, connectedness and integration of technology, I’m sometimes helping people with their home stereo and home theater technology.


I’m carrying a DSLR camera around these days and favoring that over my iPhone or point and shoot camera. I find the image quality is much better, and I’m adjusting to having an extra bag with me. The photo at the top of this newsletter is a photo from 27 Sep 2018 that I thought would make a nice background image.

The Department of Defense Read My Article

Sometimes after writing an article, I’ll check to see if there’s been any interest by looking at the page visitor stats. An article I recently wrote was almost immediately flagged by the Department of Defense and visited by a bot or person from the DOD Network Information Center. The article “U.S. Southern Command Uses Most Powerful ‘Weapon’ in History” explores a little known operation being conducted by the military.

In Defense of Nice People

I never thought I’d need to write an article defending nice people, but apparently nice people are now being criticized and there’s a national call for all ‘nice people’ to be removed from public office to be replaced by ‘street fighters.’ Learn more in my article LEADERSHIP: National Religious Leader Calls for Fewer Nice Guys – Asks for street fighters at every level of government. (29 Sep 2018)

A Special Message from Charles Koch

I try to seek out information from various sources with diverse viewpoints. So, recently I was curious to learn more about the views of conservative Republican billionaire Charles Koch. I was surprised to learn that he shares a lot of views with Bernie Sanders. Learn more in my article DEMOCRACY – Charles Koch Speaks Out Against Corporate Welfare and Crony Capitalism (25 Sep 2018)

Topics and Writings

In September I shared and wrote about a several topics of interest including: energy readiness, health, democracy, leadership, governance, diversity, technology, and more. A few are mentioned above, here’s a more complete list.

As you’ll notice in the list above, I’m starting to use all caps for an initial topic descriptive word to make the titles easier for people to skim through and identify on social media.

If I’m writing a commentary about some past event or video, I’ll assign the current date to my post. If I’m simply posting a video without substantive commentary, the original release date of the video is assigned to that post. For example, I recently posted over a dozen videos about education that date back to 2015. These are mostly of the Ellen DeGeneres Show.


Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.



Want More News? For additional news and updates you can subscribe to the Resources For Life Newsletter by sending an email to

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 18 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and activism. This is based on the life map presented on the Resources For Life website.

Greg Johnson – Monthly Update 201808


Personal Update 201808 | 31 Aug 2018 | Friday


I hope you’re doing well. Thanks for taking a moment to read my August update. I’m sending this newsletter a few weeks late and plan to send the September update out a little later this month. Although I’m writing this on Sep 21, I have dated the post as 31 Aug for the publish date.


For those of us working on weight loss, there are periods of success when we count how much weight we’ve lost, and other periods where we gain it back — usually in much less time than it took to lose it. So, it can be difficult to effectively track our net progress. That’s why I track my progress based on my highest weight. I’ve lost about 10 pounds since my highest weight, and about 7 pounds since last month.

For some people, weight isn’t an issue — losing it and keeping it off is easy. For other people, it’s easy to gain weight and hard to lose it — requiring more effort to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Some people who are overweight may be so because the live a sedentary life and make poor food choices. The lack of exercise and poor nutrition perhaps more than the weight itself produces life shortening conditions. Those with an ideal body weight who don’t exercise or eat right can be at greater risk than those who may be overweight but exercise and make good food choices. Of course, the combination of a healthy weight, diet, and lifestyle are the ideal.

I use a nutrition app on my smartphone to keep track of my calories and nutrition goals. In addition to tracking calories, I also track sugar and carbs because they can stimulate fat storage in the body — causing more weight gain than other foods of equal calories. If certain foods stimulate fat storage and slow down metabolism, then the net impact of those foods is similar to them having more calories. Also, foods that result in an eventual energy crash down (like sweets or caffein) can result in a desire to eat more to gain energy. So, the end result in more consumption. I tend to eat when I’m tired so I try to avoid foods that make me tired. My daily diet is usually a salad and veggie protein patties for breakfast and dinner, with a variable lunch meal — trying to keep everything around 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day. The lower the better, but it’s easy to have an off day.

I’m very committed to regular exercise — not to burn calories, but to give me more energy during the day, reduce my appetite, build strength, increase stamina, avoid injuries, and give me better sleep. During the month of August I lifted about 196,000 pounds. That’s a 30,000 pound increase over my July strength training total. I also have a cardio exercise routine that includes walking, elliptical, and bike riding.

The small number of calories burned during exercise are inconsequential. A single bagel without cream cheese can wipe out the caloric benefit of a 3.5mph 1-hour walk. (source) There are some indulgences and restaurant meals that would require you to run a marathon to burn the calories off. In other words, skipping some food excesses has an equivalent caloric benefit as running a marathon every day.

If I lift about 200,000 pounds per month, get a cardio workout every day, watch what I eat, practice intermittent fasting, and consistently get the quality and quantity of sleep I need, I can lose about 1-2 pounds per week as long as I don’t slip up. So, the program takes discipline, self control, and consistency. It’s easy to get side tracked by other things that in the moment seem pressing.


In August I shared and wrote about a few topics of interest including:


I created a music video in August using a song with permission from the artist and some stock video footage. I thought the song and the visuals went together well. I hope you enjoy it.



Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.



Want More News? For additional news and updates you can subscribe to the Resources For Life Newsletter by sending an email to

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 18 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and activism. This is based on the life map presented on the Resources For Life website.

“Ode” by Christopher Young – Music Video

I recently discovered the music licensing service where numerous artists share their music with license rights available to those who produce videos. Using high quality stock video clips from Videoblocks, I created a music video using the song “Ode” by Christopher Young. Enjoy!


Greg Johnson – Monthly Update 201807


Personal Update 201807 | 31 Jul 2018 | Tuesday


I hope you’re doing well. Thanks for taking a moment to read my latest update.


I’ve been using a new camera lately and it seems to be performing well. I’ve posted some photos from a recent hike on the Squire Point trail. I hope to get more photos uploaded soon.


During the 4th of July week, we were able to visit Lake Tahoe. At the top of this page is a sunset photo from July 5. I hope to upload more Lake Tahoe photos soon. This month I created two Lake Tahoe websites: offers remote tech support to people visiting the area, and offers information about local attractions.


This month I had a customer wanting help with creating a website for selling a specific breed of versatile hunting dog. Something I do when creating a website for someone is to create companion magnet sites (typically at no cost to them) that help draw in and direct additional traffic for their site. So, I created as an online guide to hunting dogs and other dog breeds. One of the nice features of the site is that as dog breeds are featured, high quality identification photos are included on the information page for each breed.


Periodically, cities are pressured by residents to address deer and other wildlife populations that find their way into residential and urban settings. Deer tend to eat flowers and other landscaping which upsets people. When people are upset, they want to grab high powered rifles and start shooting deer. Yet, more effective non-lethal long-term solutions exist. Because Iowa City is currently considering paying sharpshooters to kill deer, I’ve written an article to address the topic: “Effective and Economical Municipal Wildlife Management.”


Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.



Want More News? For additional news and updates you can subscribe to the Resources For Life Newsletter by sending an email to

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 18 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and activism. This is based on the life map presented on the Resources For Life website.