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Greg Johnson – Personal Update 201705


Personal Update 201705 | 21 May 2017 | Sunday


I hope you’re doing well. Thanks for taking a moment to read my latest update.

Fitness Program

Over the past 30 days, I’ve lifted a cumulative total of over 140,000 pounds with my weight lifting and strength training program. In the coming month I hope to improve on that by increasing the weights, reps, and sets. In the same period of time, I’ve ridden my bicycle over 180 miles on trails in the Iowa City area as part of the trails project I’m working on.

Cycling, Trails, and Scenic Tour Project

Over the past month I’ve been working on the scenic tour and bike ride of the Iowa City, Coralville, and North Liberty area that will emphasize a variety of themes including: local trails, parks, photography, bike shops, coffee houses, restaurants, local craft breweries, architecture, neighborhood restaurants, walkable communities, health and fitness, housing centers, area art, and more.

The tour will include the most beautiful scenic trails in the area, connected up with stops along the way to support local businesses. I’m combining my trail riding project with the technology consulting I do. So, each day I get a good bike ride in, while enjoying local trails, and visiting my various tech support customers in the area. I’ll post more on this in the future, but wanted to share this initial announcement to solicit any suggestions you have for what the local ride should include.


Each week I post some of my favorite photos from the week in a series of weekly Featured Photos. In recent weeks, these photos have all been taken with my iPhone 7 Plus. I still have some recent photos that need posting, but I’m getting caught up.


Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.

~ Greg


Want More News? For additional news and updates you can subscribe to the Resources For Life Newsletter by sending an email to

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 17 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and activism. This is based on the life map presented on the Resources For Life website.

Greg Johnson – Personal Update 201704


Personal Update 201704 | 30 April 2017 | Sunday


I hope you’re doing well. Thanks for taking a moment to read my latest update.

Cycling, Trails, and Scenic Tour Project

I’m working on developing a scenic tour and bike ride of the Iowa City and Coralville area that will emphasize a variety of themes including: local trails, parks, photography, bike shops, coffee houses, restaurants, local craft breweries, architecture, neighborhood restaurants, walkable communities, health and fitness, housing centers, area art, and more.

The tour will include the most beautiful scenic trails in the area, connected up with stops along the way to support local businesses.

I’m combining my trail riding project with the technology consulting I do. So, each day I get a good bike ride in, while enjoying local trails, and visiting my various tech support customers in the area.

I’ll post more on this in the future, but wanted to share this initial announcement to solicit any suggestions you have for what the local ride should include.


Each week I post some of my favorite photos from the week in a series of weekly Featured Photos. In recent weeks, these photos have all been taken with my iPhone 7 Plus. I still have some recent photos that need posting, but I’m getting caught up. Here are some recent photos from 11-17 March 2017 from a trip to the University of Iowa Main Library, and a hike at Kent Park. Some photos have had artistic filters applied. Enjoy!


Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.

~ Greg


Want More News? For additional news and updates you can subscribe to the Resources For Life Newsletter by sending an email to

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 17 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and activism. This is based on the life map presented on the Resources For Life website.

Selected Photos for 1-7 April 2017

Here are some selected photos for 1-7 April 2017. Click any image for a larger gallery view which also includes information about the camera and settings used. Hover over any image for captions if available. Note: If you received this by email, you’ll need to click the post title link above to view the post and photo gallery on my website.

Greg Johnson – Personal Update 201703


Personal Update 201703 | 31 March 2017 | Friday


I hope you’re doing well. Thanks for taking a moment to read my latest update.

Proactive Computer Support

For decades I’ve focused on setting up computers in a very preemptive way to avoid potential problems. Knowing the issues that can arise, it’s fairly easy to implement the solutions that prevent them. This has mostly worked very well and resulted in years of trouble-free service for many people.

However, as computers have become more complex and the variety of potential system failures have increased, it’s become necessary to provide ongoing proactive support and system maintenance.

I’m regularly contacted by people wanting assistance with a computer crisis: hard drive crashes, lost files, viruses, and otherwise non-functioning computers. I’ll ask, “How long had you noticed something unusual going on?” Usually the answer is that symptoms had been there for weeks or months. By the time I’m notified, it’s too late for simple fixes. I’m often told by people that they didn’t want to trouble me with something small. So, I’m doing my best to encourage people to reach out to me with any question or concern no matter how small.

I’ve created a Computer Health Checklist that I use when performing regular maintenance on computers that can be performed monthly, quarterly, or as needed. During this regular maintenance, it’s an opportunity to talk to people about their computing habits and how things seem to be going. Rather than waiting for problems to surface, I’m reaching out to schedule these sessions.

In addition to periodic computer checkups, I’m implementing a realtime system health monitoring service that checks for system configuration issues, potential hard drive crashes, and other critical functions. Some issues may arise where a month would be too long to wait for addressing these issues. Realtime health monitoring can help. Tim Barker of Friendly Techie has been a great help in this regard, introducing me to one of the best realtime monitoring systems in the industry.

Your dentist sends you a reminder card every six months to remind you of cleaning appointments. Your doctor keeps track of what immunizations and shots you’ve had. Your auto mechanic reminds you of oil changes and performs routine scheduled maintenance according to manufacturers recommendations.

However, with computers, we’re not used to getting reminder cards from our computer tech informing us that our antivirus software needs to be renewed. Our computer tech doesn’t typically offer routined scheduled maintenance. With computers, we wait until something isn’t working and then call for help. I think tech support specialists can have a more active role in reminding customers of their software renewals and regular maintenance.

What I’m wanting to do is change computing culture and shift practices toward regular maintenance that will result in more reliable computing.

In addition, I’m working to build a user community approach to support. You can think of it like a buyers club. As an example, rather than having 10 customers individually purchase MalwareBytes for $39 each at a group cost of $390, I’ll purchase ten licenses for $130 and resell them to those 10 customers for $13 each. There are many other examples like this where a group buying club can save hundreds or thousands of dollars. In addition to savings on purchases, shared equipment that’s periodically needed and having an equipment lending library can help with savings. For example, a customer needed oversized scanning of items 11″ x 17″ in size. They didn’t want to purchase an expensive scanner, so I’m letting them borrow mine. As an Amazon Prime member, I’m able to make purchases and get free two-day shipping or inexpensive overnight shpping on many items. Often I will send out cables and other smaller items at no cost to my customers. This saves everyone time and money.

So, with all of the above, my hope is to create a better overall technology experience for everyone who relies on me. Through regular reminders, regular maintenance, ongoing system health monitoring, the power of a buying club, and a lending library, I think people can be enjoying better computing at lower costs. I’m thankful to my dad who had a big role in motivating me to develop the above approach to computer support.


Each week I post some of my favorite photos from the week in a series of weekly Featured Photos. In recent weeks, these photos have all been taken with my iPhone 7 Plus. In the future, I hope to get back to taking higher quality photos with some of my other cameras.


Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.

~ Greg


Want More News? For additional news and updates you can subscribe to the Resources For Life Newsletter by sending an email to

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 17 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and activism. This is based on the life map presented on the Resources For Life website.

Selected Photos for the Week of 20170318-0324

Here are some selected photos for 18-24 March 2017. Click any image for a larger gallery view which also includes information about the camera and settings used. Hover over any image for captions if available. Note: If you received this by email, you’ll need to click the post title link above to view the post and photo gallery on my website.

Selected Photos for the Week of 20170311-0317

Here are some selected photos for 11-17 March 2017. Click any image for a larger gallery view which also includes information about the camera and settings used. Hover over any image for captions if available. Note: If you received this by email, you’ll need to click the post title link above to view the post and photo gallery on my website.

Featured Photos for the Week of 20170304-0310

Here are some selected photos for 4-10 March 2017. Click any image for a larger gallery view which also includes information about the camera and settings used. Hover over any image for captions if available. Note: If you received this by email, you’ll need to click the link above to view the post and photo gallery.

Featured Photos for the Week of 20170218-0224

Here are some selected photos for 18-24 February 2017. Click any image for a larger gallery view which also includes information about the camera and settings used. Hover over any image for captions if available. Note: If you received this by email, click here to visit the web page.


Please Take My Social Survey: “Does anyone read my content?” – February 2017

I’ve been curating some really inspiring and uplifting content lately and sharing it on Facebook, Twitter, and my various websites. With 797 ‘friends’ on Facebook, and thousands of ‘followers’ elsewhere, my content should reach thousands of people. Yet lately I’ve only been getting a few ‘likes’ per post, and often more likes than actual visits to an article.

I’m curious to know why. Is Facebook no longer an effective way to reach people? Is the content not interesting to people? Are people just overwhelmed with information overload or spending less time on social media? Are social media ‘friends’ and ‘followers’ superficial connections that don’t result in meaningful connections and responses?

I’m going to continue focusing on positive and uplifting content, and mostly share it on my website, but as I do, I’d like to know how best to share it.

I’m conducting this survey as a test to find out if Facebook continues to be a good way to reach people. I’ll share the results after a week of responses. Choose all responses that you feel are applicable. Thanks!

[polldaddy poll=9669983]

Early Survey Results

  • 20 Feb 2017 @ 6:18 PM. For a point of reference, this is when the survey was posted.
  • 21 Feb 2017 @ 8:07 AM. So far, out of 797 friends there has been one like on Facebook for the post that announced this survey. On another Facebook page where I put the post, there are 17,000 followers and about 1,200 saw the post. There are no likes so far, but one nice comment.