Below are 49 selected photos from 2016. Click on any photo for a larger gallery view.
On December 11, I wrote about MOO business card printing, and explained how each set of cards can have as many as 50 different designs, photos, or text on the back. So, I decided to print up a set of 50 with these 49 photos plus one that says ‘tech support’ – to make a total of 50. I went back over my photos from this year, and the ones selected here seemed like a good batch to use for printing. The wider panoramic images were cropped on the cards, but shown here you can see the full-size images. These were all taken using my iPhone 6 Plus or iPhone 7 Plus.
The cards arrived yesterday and the color quality of the print is amazing. They are about as thick as three regular business cards (like a credit card). I’m looking forward to sharing these, and then printing some more. It will be fun to see which photo people choose when selecting a card. You can learn more about MOO on their website.