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Personal Update 202502 | 28 Feb 2025


Thanks for taking a moment to read this month’s update. I hope you’re doing well.

The photo above is from a walk on 22 Jun 2023 and the photo was stylized this year on 6 Jan 2025 with the Prisma filter app using the Aqua filter effect. I’ll put the original photo at the bottom of this page for comparison.

Reclaiming WellBeing Time

Over the past 24 years, since the year 2000, I’ve been using the same hourly rate as a fixed amount for calculating what I charge for tech services. My costs have slowly increased over the past 24 years, but I’ve looked for ways to be more efficient so I can keep charging the same amount.

In the past few years, I’ve seen some costs double from one year to the next. A service that might have been $50 per month, suddenly doubled to $100 per month at the time of renewal.

Over the past few years, I’ve had to increase the number of hours I work per week in order to keep up with the cost of running the business.

At times., that has resulted in less sleep, less time with family, less exercise, less time in nature, and sit-down meals replaced with grabbing some string cheese from a convenience store on my way to the next appointment.

Starting this year I’m going to reclaim some of that essential personal wellbeing time by increasing my base hourly rate by a modest amount. I’m thankful for the many people who regularly pay me more than I ask for, and I appreciate those who have told me I should increase my hourly rate. This year I’ve begun doing so. Perhaps it will be another 24 years before I need to raise my rates again.

I think getting some balance back in my life will help me better serve all those who depend on me, and be more present for family as well.

1440 Time Tracking

Years ago, I developed a simple time tracking system to account for every one of the 1,440 minutes in a day. I call it the 1440 Time Tracking System. The method involves having a sheet of paper with a grid that covers 5 hours. By printing double-sided, and using two sheets of paper, 20 hours can be accounted for. That covers the typical 16-hour day, plus some space for any additional non-sleeping time.

In the past, most of my work involved in-person scheduled appointments lasting 1-2 hours each. In recent years, my days have become more fragmented. Now the bulk of my work involves responding to numerous text messages, phone calls, and emails every day. Most tech problems can be resolved remotely. Some service calls can take a few minutes. Others require 2-3 hours.

My goal is to solve people’s tech problems in the most convenient and efficient way possible that best serves their needs. That’s my main goal. If it best serves others for me to address many spontaneous requests coming in, then I’ll do that. I’ll figure out how to make the business revolve around what works best for people’s needs.

It’s not practical for me to send someone an invoice for a 6 minute phone call. It could take almost that much time to manually create a detailed receipt and process a credit card payment which requires entering the person’s address, phone, and email for a not-in-person PayPal transaction.

Instead, I keep an open tab for people who I work with regularly. Then I send a single cumulative bill. That saves them time, requiring only a single payment for a full month of tech help. It saves me time by having to only sent out one invoice instead of a dozen.

In the past I’ve used the minute-by-minute method time tracking for journaling and tracking how much time I spent on various categories of tasks during the day, such as identifying how much time I spend on social media.

Recently I’ve been using this time tracking method for billing and general time accounting. It helps with focus also. In days when many demands are competing for my attention, I can be more purposeful and intentional about how I’m spending each minute without getting overly fragmented.

Some tasks can be done in parallel. In general, multitasking can be done when the tasks use different parts of the brain and body. Here are some examples:

  • Being on a phone call while going for a walk.
  • Drinking coffee and reading a book.
  • Driving and listening to an audio book.
  • Doing dishes while having a conversation.
  • Reading emails, eating breakfast, and listening to music.
  • Listening to music while doing general housework or sorting papers.
  • Talking to someone and using sign language to communicate with another person uses different areas of the brain. It’s a bit challenging, but possible.

There are some tasks, like walking in nature, that one may want to fully experience and enjoy without distractions. Or, giving someone your full attention. But other activities can be done in parallel.

The 1440 time tracking system allows for easily tracking two or three parallel tasks.

The tech support I provide typically requires 100% of my attention. If a computer is updating and I have a few minutes to do some other task, I can easily track my time to make sure I don’t bill for those non-work minutes.

While I work on a project, I can have my hands busy doing the work, while speaking and transcribing notes that describe the work being done. Emails, text messages, car mileage logs, screen shots, and sometimes photos of equipment are a few other ways I can keep track of the work I do. This helps me go back and review work, especially when further research and follow-up is needed.


I continue to expand on the topic reports found on the Resources For Life dot com website. The list can be found on the What’s New Page. Adding incrementally takes very little time since the post and related context are already present.


If you’re interested in the latest tech-related guides and articles I’ve posted, you can visit the Posts Page on the Iowa City Tech website.


You can subscribe to be notified of these monthly newsletters [Subscribe] or scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your email address where indicated to be notified of every post to this site. 


Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 24 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith/philosophy), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and public interest efforts. This is based on the Life Map presented on the Resources For Life website. [View]

Personal Update 202501 | 31 Jan 2025


Thanks for taking a moment to read this month’s update. I hope you’re doing well. The photo above is from a walk in Kent Park on 21 Dec 2024.

Tracing Back With Gratitude

In times of reflection, I like to think about positive things in my life and trace back to when, where, and why they began. It helps for understanding and is an opportunity for gratitude. Most of the habits and practices I benefit from and enjoy today have roots back to when I was a young person: bicycle riding, walks in nature, photography, writing, nutritional mindfulness, regular exercise, meditation, reading books, minimalism, contentment with simplicity.

What surprises me is that I don’t have a dozen different teachers, coaches, mentors, or celebrities, who influenced my life. There were moments and experiences:

  • Sticking the rear wheel of my bicycle tire in the Missouri River at the start of a bike ride across Iowa that would run over 300 miles to the Mississippi River.
  • Walking through a park in Washington, D. C. with winding dirt trails and a canopy of trees that, to me, was what I imagined a rain forest might look like.
  • Learning about photography with an Olympus Pen EE film camera that would use 35mm film to take half-frame photos, turning a single 36 exposure roll of film into 72 photos.
  • Learning about “jogging” for the first time, and realizing I was winded at and out of shape on my first attempt. I would eventually run as far as 21 miles.
  • Learning to be an enthusiastic writer, revising and refining my writings with one of the first word processing programs.
  • Having my mind and outlook challenged and expanded by reading eclectic books like Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu.
  • Meeting an Indian guru who taught me meditation when I was a young teenager.

There is a long list of these experiences where I have an image of a significant event in my life that sparked an interest in something good, and then many related experiences that followed.

There is one person who was present during every single one of the above mentioned significant life events: my father. Somehow, paradoxically, one of the busiest and most productive people I know, also had time for me and others.

There was a Zen-like simplicity, seemingly effortless, at suggesting a book to read, movie I might like, or a new activity. Yet these simple acts were very impactful.

There’s much to be grateful for, and as these experiences guide my own life, I look for ways to use the same kind of Zen-like simplicity to have a positive impact in the lives of people I know.

No New Year’s Resolution

When starting a new year, it is difficult not to reflect on possible changes for the year head. There is a lot of reinforcement around us for the practice of having New Year’s resolutions. I usually have some goals defined for the new year. However, this year, I decided to just wait and welcome whatever would come and let go of whatever would go.

A special offer on ebooks and audio books prompted me to think about reading as an alternative to social media — as task during break times, when resting the mind, or when waiting in line at the grocery store. I decided to choose some books that were life changing in my high school and college years. It’s been fun to read those books again after decades have passed, and see how they influenced my life.

The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu is one of the books. I’m reading and listening to the Stephen Mitchell translation. It’s a poetic book of teachings and wisdom. I plan to write about the book at some point. One of the general teachings in the book is about how having defined goals may cause us to overlook opportunities and experiences that were not on our list. Instead, being open to what unfolds will help a person broaden their awareness and experiences. That teaching is expanded on in the Tao Te Ching, and it fits with my approach to entering the new year without a specific list of plans.


I continue to expand on the topic reports found on the Resources For Life dot com website. The list can be found on the What’s New Page. Adding incrementally takes very little time since the post and related context are already present.


If you’re interested in the latest tech-related guides and articles I’ve posted, you can visit the Posts Page on the Iowa City Tech website.


You can subscribe to be notified of these monthly newsletters [Subscribe] or scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your email address where indicated to be notified of every post to this site. 


Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 24 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith/philosophy), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and public interest efforts. This is based on the Life Map presented on the Resources For Life website. [View]

Personal Update 202412 | 31 Dec 2024


Thanks for taking a moment to read this month’s update. I hope you’re doing well. The photo above is from a visit to the New Bo Market area in Cedar Rapids on 26 Nov 2024.

Google Maps – Photos and Reviews

In the photo above, the “Hose Co. No. 4” building is Scribe Stationer — a stationery store with journals, pens, candles, tins, art supplies and more. The tiny green house is an historic structure and Airbnb location. I’ll share some more photos below. These are examples of the photos I post to Google maps, along with reviews of stores, restaurants, coffee shops, parks, and other destinations.

I have over 9,300 total photos shared to Google Maps. In November there were 2.3 million new views of my reviews and photos. As of December, there have been a cumulative total of 55.7 million views for the photos I’ve posted to Google Maps. The millions of views are the result of so many people using Google to lookup information about popular locations.

There’s nothing particularly spectacular about the photos, but they are useful to those who are looking up information. It’s a different style of photography than my usual nature photos.

Click on any photo below for a larger gallery view.


I continue to expand on the topic reports found on the Resources For Life dot com website. The list can be found on the What’s New Page. Adding incrementally takes very little time since the post and related context are already present.


If you’re interested in the latest tech-related guides and articles I’ve posted, you can visit the Posts Page on the Iowa City Tech website.


You can subscribe to be notified of these monthly newsletters [Subscribe] or scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your email address where indicated to be notified of every post to this site. 


Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 24 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith/philosophy), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and public interest efforts. This is based on the Life Map presented on the Resources For Life website. [View]

Personal Update 202411 | 10 Nov 2024


Thanks for taking a moment to read this month’s update. I hope you’re doing well. The photo above is from my morning walk on 16 Oct 2024.

Kansas City

During October, I was able to take a break from my usual work to enjoy a family road trip to Kansas City. I’ll include a few photos below. In addition to the typical tourist destinations like the zoo and museum, I also find retail spaces interesting. So, the photo collection is a mix of pictures from various places. Click any image for a larger gallery view.


The IKEA store in Kansas City is huge. Walking through the store is like experiencing a theme park or amusement park with an emphasis on home decor and supplies. It was fun to see the influence of the small house movement reflected in the home decor spaces at the IKEA store. They the equivalent of two small houses completely furnished.

IKEA – Small House

Capital One Cafe

Over the years, I’ve watched banking evolved from in-person visits, replaced by ATM use, replaced by online banking, eventually replaced by an app on the phone. So, I was inspired by the Capital One Cafe innovation to bring personal interactions back to banking. For this reason, when I’m in a larger city, I’ll seek out the local Capital One Cafe. Much energy and purpose has gone into designing the cafe spaces, and they are sort of a modern miracle. Rather than give up, the great minds at Capital One created something innovative and new that hadn’t existed before. I’ll insert a video playlist below with clips about the cafe concept.

RIVIAN Vehicles

The EV company RIVIAN is an interesting business. I like the personality of the CEO and the emphasis on serving outdoor enthusiasts. While in Kansas City, I had an opportunity to drive their R1T model truck. While I don’t anticipate needing such a serious off-road vehicle, it was nice to experience the engineering and innovation that goes into making it. Below is a podcast episode with RJ Scaringe, the RIVIAN CEO, answering questions from Blake and Will.

Apple 3D Workspace

Apple has created a portable computer that you wear. The computer looks like a set of large goggles. Inside, a 3D mixed reality space appears. You can see your surroundings, but also can work with programs that float in the space around you. The name for the product is Vision Pro and it is only possible to demo the product in an Apple Store. So, during the Kansas City trip, I decided to try the product. I’ll paste a video below that shows what a demo experience is like. Of course, being immersed in the 3D experience is even more impressive.

I can see how a 3D workspace could be helpful for those working in a small cubicle or office who need more work area and multiple large displays.

Election 2024

Since the recent election is on everyone’s mind, I’ll link to my writing on the topic of politics: Election 2024 Commentary. It is a long writing, but with topic headings it’s easy to skim through to find specific topics.


I continue to expand on the topic reports found on the Resources For Life dot com website. The list can be found on the What’s New Page. Adding incrementally takes very little time since the post and related context are already present.


If you’re interested in the latest tech-related guides and articles I’ve posted, you can visit the Posts Page on the Iowa City Tech website.


You can subscribe to be notified of these monthly newsletters [Subscribe] or scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your email address where indicated to be notified of every post to this site. 


Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 23 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith/philosophy), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and public interest efforts. This is based on the Life Map presented on the Resources For Life website. [View]

Personal Update 202410 | 31 Oct 2024


Thanks for taking a moment to read this month’s update. I hope you’re doing well. The photo above is from my morning walk on 25 Sep 2024. 


I continue to expand on the topic reports found on the Resources For Life dot com website. The list can be found on the What’s New Page. Adding incrementally takes very little time since the post and related context are already present.


If you’re interested in the latest tech-related guides and articles I’ve posted, you can visit the Posts Page on the Iowa City Tech website.


You can subscribe to be notified of these monthly newsletters [Subscribe] or scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your email address where indicated to be notified of every post to this site. 


Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 23 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith/philosophy), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and public interest efforts. This is based on the Life Map presented on the Resources For Life website. [View]

Personal Update 202409 | 30 Sep 2024


Thanks for taking a moment to read this month’s update. I hope you’re doing well. The photo above is from my morning walk on 14 Aug 2024. [View Original]

Short Story: “Rezifp Dawn”

In May 2012, I wrote a short story, mostly as fiction, but the story included links to real-world news. So, many of the seemingly unbelievable developments in the story were events that actually happened. The story has a few topics woven throughout, including sustainability, bicycling, and wellness. Now, about 12 years later, the story continues to have interested readers from around the world. The maps below show recent visitors. Click any image for a larger gallery view. [Read Story]

Talk at Grant Wood Home

I was invited to give a talk at the home and studio of Grant Wood in Cedar Rapids. The topic was small houses. I enjoyed connecting with some people who are interested in the small house movement. The Grant Wood home is maintained by the Cedar Rapids Museum. Below is a photo from the event on 29 Aug 2024.

Global Support Contact

In recent years, as a result of a clerical error, I’ve become the employee services contact for multiple international businesses. Emails arrive from employees around the world who need assistance. They are often in other languages, so I use Google Translate with the auto detect feature turned on. [View] I paste the email into the translate program to quickly identify the language and get an English translation. I have a standard reply to let the person know that they’ve reached me in error. You can learn more by reading my full post on the topic. [Read More]

A Doctor Gone Too Soon

You may have noticed that YouTube provides a list of suggested videos. One of those videos recently in my suggested list was about Dr. Maddie Giegold who passed away from a stroke at the age of 32 in July 2024. I was inspired to learn about the many ways she made the most of life for herself and in helping others, so I created a post about her. [View]


I continue to expand on the topic reports found on the Resources For Life dot com website. The list can be found on the What’s New Page. Adding incrementally takes very little time since the post and related context are already present.


If you’re interested in the latest tech-related guides and articles I’ve posted, you can visit the Posts Page on the Iowa City Tech website.


You can subscribe to be notified of these monthly newsletters [Subscribe] or scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your email address where indicated to be notified of every post to this site. 


Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 23 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith/philosophy), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and public interest efforts. This is based on the Life Map presented on the Resources For Life website. [View]

Personal Update 202408 | 2 Aug 2024


Thanks for taking a moment to read this month’s update. I hope you’re doing well. The photo above is from a visit to the Olbrich Botanical Gardens in Madison on 12 Jul 2024.


A highlight from last month was to visit Madison, Wisconsin. In July I added some more writings to the Resources for Life website. You can see recent entries under the 2024 Q2 heading on the What’s New page. [View]

Madison Photos

Below are some photos from July 12-13 during a visit to Madison. Click an image for a larger gallery view.


I continue to expand on the topic reports found on the Resources For Life dot com website. The list can be found on the What’s New Page. Adding incrementally takes very little time since the post and related context are already present.


If you’re interested in the latest tech-related guides and articles I’ve posted, you can visit the Posts Page on the Iowa City Tech website.


You can subscribe to be notified of these monthly newsletters [Subscribe] or scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your email address where indicated to be notified of every post to this site. 


Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 23 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith/philosophy), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and public interest efforts. This is based on the Life Map presented on the Resources For Life website. [View]

Personal Update 202407 | 31 Jul 2024


Thanks for taking a moment to read this month’s update. I hope you’re doing well. The photo above is of the early morning light on my daily walk on 27 June 2024.

Month Overview

In my newsletters, I usually cover events from the previous month. June was mostly spent catching up on client work. So, I don’t have much to share for June events. Writing and updates on the Resources for Life website was fairly limited in June. You can see the eight new entries under the 2024 Q2 heading on the What’s New page. [View]


I continue to expand on the topic reports found on the Resources For Life dot com website. The list can be found on the What’s New Page. Adding incrementally takes very little time since the post and related context are already present.

After four months of doing very little writing, in May I added more documents to the Resources For Life dot com website.


If you’re interested in the latest tech-related guides and articles I’ve posted, you can visit the Posts Page on the Iowa City Tech website.


You can subscribe to be notified of these monthly newsletters [Subscribe] or scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your email address where indicated to be notified of every post to this site. 


Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 23 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith/philosophy), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and public interest efforts. This is based on the Life Map presented on the Resources For Life website. [View]

Personal Update 202406 | 30 Jun 2024


Thanks for taking a moment to read this month’s update. I hope you’re doing well. The photo above is the Space Needle from 31 May 2024 while on a trip to Seattle.

Photo Sharing and Style

In recent years I’ve begun taking more food and product photos from restaurants and stores, as well as my usual nature photos from parks and elsewhere. There are now 6,743 photos submitted to Google maps and those have had over 36 million views.

The photos shared on my personal website might receive a dozen views. Photos shared on Facebook may get 20 views. However, photos shared on Google maps are seen by the millions of people who use the maps app to see images from a destination they are interested in. In addition to the photos you’d expect to see at a coffee shop or store, I have some of my own artistic style of photography blended in. It’s a nice way to share my photos more broadly.

The photos below are similar to the style I’ve used over the years — taking pictures of whatever strikes me as interesting based on materials, lines, colors, lighting, and composition. I mostly enjoy nature photos, architecture, and some food or product photos.

Seattle Visit

At the end of May and during the first week of June, we were in Seattle for a work related conference. I’ll share some photos below from the Space Needle, the Chihuly Garden and Glass exhibit, Pike Place Market, Bainbridge Island, the REI Seattle Flagship store, the South Lake Union Capital One Café, and other locations in the Seattle area.

The visit to Seattle provided a good opportunity to get refreshed. It was good to have a break. My last vacation was in December 2019 when I spent a few days in Nevada.


I continue to expand on the topic reports found on the Resources For Life dot com website. The list can be found on the What’s New Page. Adding incrementally takes very little time since the post and related context are already present.

After four months of doing very little writing, in May I added more documents to the Resources For Life dot com website.


If you’re interested in the latest tech-related guides and articles I’ve posted, you can visit the Posts Page on the Iowa City Tech website.


You can subscribe to be notified of these monthly newsletters [Subscribe] or scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your email address where indicated to be notified of every post to this site. 


Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 23 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith/philosophy), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and public interest efforts. This is based on the Life Map presented on the Resources For Life website. [View]

Personal Update 202405 | 31 May 2024


Thanks for taking a moment to read this month’s update. I hope you’re doing well. The photo above is from a road trip to Pella on 19 Apr 2024.

tech work

In recent years some of my business costs have increased due to inflation. Some expenses have actually doubled in the past few years, far outpacing the normal rate of inflation. I’m reluctant to double my rates just because some businesses and industries are taking advantage of their customers.

So, to keep up with the rising costs, I’ve increased the number of hours I’ve been working rather than charging more. I’ve wanted my hourly rate to stay the same as it has been for the past 24 years. I’ve adjusted available discounts and cash back accordingly.

I’m going to continue to look for ways to reduce my costs and work more efficiently so that the people I’m helping won’t feel the burden of increasing costs. Thankfully, some people are paying generously beyond what I’m asking for.

Sleep, Family, and Vacations

Since the start of the pandemic until this year, my workload and the initial pandemic accommodations resulted in working hard which cut into sleep time, family time, and vacations.

This year I’m slowly returning to a pre-pandemic schedule with a priority on getting more sleep, more time with family, and some day trips to refresh and reset. I’ll be reporting more on that in the June newsletter.


I continue to expand on the topic reports found on the Resources For Life dot com website. The list can be found on the What’s New Page. Adding incrementally takes very little time since the post and related context are already present.

After four months of doing very little writing, in April I started posting documents to the Resources For Life dot com website.


If you’re interested in the latest tech-related guides and articles I’ve posted, you can visit the Posts Page on the Iowa City Tech website.


You can subscribe to be notified of these monthly newsletters [Subscribe] or scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your email address where indicated to be notified of every post to this site. 


Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.

Origins. For those of you who are new to these monthly personal updates, they began about 23 years ago out of a desire to share from my personal life about topics of lifeways (faith/philosophy), health, career, finances, relationships, effective living, and public interest efforts. This is based on the Life Map presented on the Resources For Life website. [View]